Preschool Baltimore: Reasons Why Preschool Is An Important Decision
For most of the parents, sending the child to school for the first time is usually a hard thing to do. S We always have this notion that maybe the child is too small to learn or worry that they are not going to be in a position to adapt to the changes in school. However, the quality of education of your child to a great extent will depend on their preschool experiences. Thus, at some point, you have to accept that it is time that your child joins preschool.
It is at preschool that the child is introduced to the learning process and this is the point at which a strong foundation for education is built. The foundation is not only academic but includes social and other life dimensions. Do not deny your child the chance to create a great and strong foundation.
One thing for sure is that preschool teaches children the process of learning and especially how to learn. Well, it is quite difficult to teach children how to learn and this can only happen in preschool. Through preschool, they are introduced to social, educational and environmental experiences which together create a foundation for the learning process. It is at this stage that they will develop strong curiosity which forms the basis to want and love to learn more. This way, the children have a positive attitude an association with learning.
Preschool helps children to learn social skills right form a young age. This is a time when they are outside home and not with their families. This means that they are dealing with and interacting with new people for the first time. With time they learn to socialize and make new friends and this way, they get better at even communications skills.
Preschool also helps children to develop skills including self-regulation. Swell, with interactions, children will get into conflicts with others such as minor agreements. Issues such as sadness and anger arise and with time, they are able to control themselves and relate well with others with guidance of their teachers. It is critical that children learn these skills at the earliest stages possible. The teachers play a major in ensuring that the children understand how their behavior and reaction affect the lives and wellbeing of other people. They also teach them conflict resolution and problem solving skills.
Preschool still helps in building pre-literacy skills. Games and activities such as singing the alphabet among others help the children to prepare for serious learning. They learn different sounds and listen to and read stories and this helps to prepare them in advance. Activities here are quite interesting and the child will have a lot of motivation to learn. Activities like sorting and matching also gets the kids ready for math to be introduced later.
In preschool, children learn how to make choices. They participate in different activities that require them to come up with solutions. Consequently, this creates curiosity and they will want to learn more, ask questions and gain interest in learning.